PUBLIC COMPLAINT We demand that Shuar Arutam People’s decisions, in the exercise of their right to self-determination, are respected, and we denounce that the beginning of infrastructure works are facilitating the entrance of mining projects in Maiki
Jueves, Septiembre 9, 2021 - 15:01
The Alliance of Organizations for Human Rights and the Caminantes anti-mining Collective, we are deeply concerned about recent events reported by the Governing Council of the Shuar Arutam People (PSHA) and the "Collective of Organized Women of the Shuar Center of Maikiuants" (organization linked to the PSHA), associated with the start of infrastructure works and mining facilities at the Warintza Project. There is an escalation of territorial conflict between the community centers and the associations that make up PSHA against the concessionary mining companies operating illegally and illegally in their territory.